Decreasing Stress Exercise

Relaxation Activity

I want you to make yourself comfortable.

If you want, you can close your eyes.

We are going to start with your feet - curl your toes,

and relax them.

Now dig your heels into the ground and feel the tightness in your legs, and relax - good. Your legs feel loose and heavy.

Now tighten your stomach - hold, feel the tightness and release - very good.

Now I want you to arch your back - feel the tension in your spine and relax your back - just let go - let all the tension leave your body - good.

Make a fist with your hands and slowly raise them to your shoulder - feel the tightness in your arms and let go - just let your arms drop to your side and be loose and heavy, good.

Now raise your shoulders to your ears - feel the tightness in your neck, hold and release - let all the tension go.

I want you to now tighten your mouth as tight as you can - feel the tightness in your jaw - good and just relax.

Take a deep breath in - and exhale - just feel all the tension leave your body.

Now tighten your eyes as tight as you can squeeze them - and let go of your body, so it feels nice and relaxed - good, very good. Focus on how calm and relaxed you feel - think of yourself on a soft cloud-feel the softness of the cloud and sink into the cloud - your body feels so loose and heavy. Feel the warm sun on your body and the cool breeze on your face.

Just relax - you feel so peaceful and so safe.


Now I am going to count backwards from 5 and when I get to 1, you are going to open your eyes slowly and the feeling of calm and peace will stay with you for the rest of the day.

Breath in 5 . . . and exhale calm

Breath in 4 . . . and exhale calm

Breath in 3 . . . and exhale calm

Breath in 2 . . . and exhale calm

Breath in 1 . . . and out . . . . think calm

As you slowly open your eyes, the calm and peace will stay with you.

Decreasing Stress Exercise Audio (English)

Decreasing Stress Exercise Audio (Spanish)